The Wall - Reflex training
Workshop statistics
Sequence - Memory Training
Workshop selection
360 Zones - Stop the ball at 360°


A cognitive training program for athletes.

The level of immersion offered by virtual reality today makes it possible to develop effective training solutions that can improve users’ cognitive performance.

In partnership with Sport Evenements Communication, we have designed a set of workshops with the aim of measuring and improving the level of users in certain cognitive areas: Reaction time, shared attention, memory, motor skills …

We wish to offer our customers, mainly in the field of sport, a simple, nomadic solution, without cables, computers or sensors of any kind. This is why our solution uses the new autonomous virtual reality headset: the Oculus Quest. Getting started with the solution only requires a few minutes and comes down entirely to the use of a headset. Every player session data is available to the trainer on a dedicated web platform allowing progress to be measured.

Release DateStill in developmentPlatformsOculus QuestTechnologiesUnreal, Oculus, Maya, Substance Painter, DjangoPartnerSport Evenements Communication